North Walsham Phoenix Group were awarded funding from Norfolk Community Foundation through the Household Support Fund and the Hardship fund to support families with the cost of living and have collaborated with local schools who have written to families they have identified for these schemes.

Mal Gray, Chair of North Walsham Phoenix Group, said, “The resources provided will help families meet their needs. We are very thankful to the local schools for their assistance in identifying families who will benefit from these schemes.”
One parent supported through these schemes said, “We are incredibly grateful for this help. It has been a tough time for our family, and this support means we can provide meals and essentials for our children.”
A volunteer said, “Being part of this initiative has been incredibly rewarding. Knowing we are making a real difference. It is great to see the smiles on the faces of the families we help. I know this scheme would have been of help to me when my children were younger.”
North Walsham Phoenix Group would like to thank Norfolk Community Foundation, Nourishing Norfolk Network, J.B Postles and North Walsham Community Shop and a huge thank you to our fantastic volunteers

If you have received a letter from your child’s school and you have not yet visited the Phoenix building to receive your support package, please do. If you have received a letter but feel like you do not need this support right now. Please let us know so we can gift this to another family.